
i'm pleased to say that my japanese lesson went well! my tutor is a lovely older lady from osaka named hitomi-san and she's really nice. we went over a basic summary of kana, grammar and introducing ourselves. i was asked to introduce myself first and i fumbled because i forgot yoroshiku onegaishimasu... it's so embarrassing when you know exactly what to say but you clam up when standing in front of a whole class. thankfully aside from one other guy, it seems i'm likely the best in the class as everyone else is a total beginner who's never even tried to speak japanese before. i think it'll go well, i made a whatasapp group for the class so maybe people might actually talk in it...?

i'm worried about my plant, i watered it yesterday with the pH down and suddenly all the leaves are going yellow and i'm not sure why. i'm leaving it until i next water them and i'm just going to hope that it fixes itself, but a plant is a plant is a plant and somehow i doubt it will. i really hope i don't have to harvest early, it's only 59 days old... i think it'll take another week or two to fully grow but i've been told to expect five. five! i started this stupid project in september and i have so little to show for it. i keep telling myself it'll save money, but it's just frustrating when i've been working so hard and i still have to keep waiting. now that i have pH down i should start germinating a new seed that'll hopefully have a better shot at life in properly balanced soil, but i really can't overstate just how tiring it is as a hobby. so expensive to get started!

other than that, i don't have much news. it's same old same old in more ways than one. i accidentally got smacked repeatedly in the face with bills (phone bill, discord nitro cringe, web hosting...) i forgot to anticipate so i'm going to try to sell my old grow light as i don't think i need it anymore. it's only really good for seedlings anyway and i need the money for the bus lol. it'll probably be good to get rid of it if i'm moving anyway.


like i've said in the past, i feel like i only write in this thing when bad shit happens, but i'm very thankful to say that my japanese textbook came in the mail today so i'm hoping that my ph down will come maybe on monday. praying tbh. im eating my favourite pasta rn and sometimes i get weird allergic reactions and im getting one now. maybe it's stress but i've never been able to tell, the swelling is already fading... it's damn good pasta, i'll finish it.

did some coke yesterday and cleaned half my room and boxed up some things, then did more coke and lost pretty much every game of board game online not for lack of trying the randos i was playing with were just unfortunately veterans. it was fun though this one guy was like "nancy if you're still awake and you're not tired you might have adhd" like dude...? i don't know you. and also, hilariously, i'm on cocaine. stop diagnosing people on the internet....

i've actually noticed the whole diagnosing strangers thing getting worse over the years to the point where it's brushed into my irl. i know a guy who works at the charity shop and he came over for a chat and a few bottles of wkd and he got it into his head that i have adhd and bipolar disorder because he has it. i'm sorry but being able to relate to other human beings is very normal, having a personality disorder doesn't actually preclude you from the human experience, don't fall for ableist propaganda. personally i think i have autism and chronic pain/anemia and i leave it at that, anything more specific than that isn't for me to be incredibly self aware about, we actually hire people in our "national health service" called "professional mental health specialists" which is crazy for me of all ppl to say but i contain multitudes. i just think we should really stop judging strangers so strongly and literally applying dsm labels just because it makes you, personally, feel better. also, semi related but also kinda unrelated, i've noticed recently that busybodies who tend to complain about people being negative are often very negative themselves. they'll see negativity in others, but completely forget their tone when addressing strangers and being unnecessarily cruel to them. they just can't see it in themselves. they can't see it! and that's why they need a therapist to tell them their laundry list of problems otherwise they can't help themselves. i've been dealing with a lot of weird and annoying and negative people lately and as much as i have a short patience for it i've got to have empathy for them and walk away and be mad for a few hours about it before realising that genuinely unironically not even in a mean way, they can't help themselves. it needs to be pointed out to them and even if they're a dick to me i'm not gonna be the guy who gets confrontational because i don't care about them we're not friends they're just people i know.

i haven't given an update on my chaise lounge! it's gorgeous, even nicer in person and everything i wanted it to be! it's 4'3" long and is the perfect place to lounge in front of a nice big window, it's just unfortunate that my nice big window looks out right onto the street and my nice big bedroom window looks right out onto the electricians. i keep my blinds shut 24/7 because i just cannot be bothered with dressing and undressing for the tradies. i mostly just go nude, these days i like wearing vintage slips and nightgowns. but to make sure im not indecent all the time when i have a bunk bed ladder directly in front of the blinds? jesus that's genuinely too much work for me.

i saw a post today saying that "yap" as slang won't age well. personally i beg to differ because it's been in use since the 17th century, but also, it got me thinking of all the girls i see on tinder and hinge. so many girls think they "yap" and genuinely i hate to sound overdramatic but it actually breaks my cold dead little heart. i don't want a girl who "yaps", i don't think girls "yap", i want a girl to sit down and have a nice cozy wee blether on my lap about whatever she wants. i love girls who blether. i love girls with strong opinions. i love girls who will convince me to love what they love as much as they do. i love love love blethering. i love the auld biddies on the bus an i love hearing grandas talking about their trains and local geography. i loved hearing my dad blether about scottish history and photography. i sincerely believe that oral retellings are just as important as any other adaptation of media, i think a lot about that one guy who got his friend into one piece by reciting the story from memory like some kind of modern day iliad. i think i would like it if one piece was considered a modern day iliad. i have not read the iliad or one piece.

at risk of sounding like a dutiful child that writes "father, my studies have been going well, raaaaaaaaah canyousendmoneyforbaccy?x" my japanese studies have been going fine so far, i think? ideally i should be practicing kana every day, but i've been watching tokyo mew mew unsubbed (man did i mention that here? when i write it feels so perishable, i don't really tend to reread things i say after saying or writing them...) and trying to practice hiragana. i should probably be practicing harder but look man, my course hasn't actually started yet, and i really do want to clean and pack up my house...

i used to sound like a broken record complaining about how i was starving. i looked myself in the mirror the other day and i finally saw the weight loss everyone has been talking about for the first time. last i weighed myself (at the doctors, i'll ask next month when i get my bc jab) i had lost 9kg, i've lost a lot more weight since then i think and i've gone down 2-3 clothes sizes. i got myself a new pair of jeans and some of my clothes from when i was 17 or 18 fit again. the binder i bought years ago fits now, which is wild because i grew out of it ages ago. i look... ? fine, i suppose? but that stupid shedtwt (again i've never interacted with them and i don't like them but the bsd fandom has exposed me to being more aware of it than i ever wanted to be) mindset has fangs in me like idk dude. idk. i feel like i need to get skinnier. i feel like people will like me more if i manage to be a 10-12. i've never been a 10 in my life but imagine if i could... but i'd need to keep starving myself. and i'm just not willingly doing that. starving a lot makes you realise that people Back In The Day weren't naturally slim, they were poor and genuinely malnourished with a very poor diet, often unable to import foods and being reliant on local produce.

anyway, that's GENUINELY not the point! i'm done being a broken record about being hungry, i'm done with hunger entirely! now i'm going to be a stuck record about how excited i am to move to glasgow. someone on facebook is giving away a futon mattress so i won't be stuck when i move waiting for my fancy one to be made and that means i could probably even buy the kotatsu earlier if that futon is comfortable enough to sleep on. i've been checking the listings every day even though my jpn course doesn't finish until the end of april because i want to know what the averages are, what to expect, etc, just because i really do want to get the perfect place. i really don't want to have to move again in the next five years. i'm not joking, FIVE years. i don't think i've actually ever stayed in a single place for five years in my entire life. i think i could stay in glasgow. i saw a gorgeous flat in my budget right next to the botanics and the hillhead subway. of course it was doomed and got snatched up genuinely within the day and i don't blame them, because my god that place was so beautiful and affordable and it had a bath.

my non negotiables for my new flat are as follows: i need a bath. when i lived in mosspark i had a bath and i was able to shower every day, pretty much the same for when i was homeless, but now in the flat i live in the bath leaks onto the neighbours so we're only allowed to use the shower. the landlord mentioned it when i moved in and immediately after the first time i tried a bath, it isn't something i mind or whatever but you know how the depression is and also again i have anemia so standing is an actual bitch. it's so much easier to bathe with a bath so i'm just not going to let myself live in another place without a working bath i've had enough of it. i also want the place to have big windows, not so i can ever open them because who the hell does that, but to put up blinds and cool curtains or whatever. the place needs to have a dishwasher, because again standing sucks bad and i miss the standard of living i had with a bath and a dishwasher. i would prefer for the flat to be ground or first floor but i would settle for a higher floor but ONLY if it has slanted windows that make the rain loud as fuck. it was one of the first things i noticed about my first flat in dundee and i missed that brief moment in my life. the place needs to be big enough not to be cramped in any way, but small enough that everything has a space and the walls can't collect much............. muchness. it also has to be in the north of glasgow, decently close to transport and at least three shops because my mosspark flat only had one and the atm was never working so i had to walk like two miles just to go to a cash machine for my plug.

my standards are definitely high and i haven't found many places that meet these vaguely unrealistic aims on my budget but hey, for the first time in my life i'm not under any pressure and i don't have to plan a rush move like usual. by the time i find a place, i'll already have packed the majority of my things, so i won't have to panic about that and i can just spend my notice month cleaning the house. the guys who delivered my chaise lounge to me said that if they had to give a ballpark estimate to move all my stuff would be about £250-£300 just for the trip on its own which i'm fine with and accounted for, but if i let them know early then they can find other jobs on that route that day and they could probably cut the price in half. so it might not even take £1k for me to move! of course as i said i do need to wait until the end of april to mayish to move because of my course and printmaking obligation (that i haven't actually started yet... it's just a money thing (sigh) so it'll wait until next month because i need bus money for my jpn course. i'm totally fine for money now and i think they actually give me more than my college bursary (nice.) i just bought a bunch of big things like the chaise lounge, the japanese course, treats for my friend who's visiting soon, etc... so technically i'm not procrastinating the japanese course was just really time sensitive.


i applied for my japanese course, it starts in two weeks :) i've noticed lately my music taste has been changing, i've been listening to a lot of rap lately which is not necessarily new, but it's filling up my playlist. i'm getting my chaise lounge tomorrow. i found out today i've lost 3-4 inches from my waist and got a pair of jeans that actually fit really well. i need to buy pH down for my plant but i don't want to i'm a hater. it's flowering well so i'm very happy with that. i'm genuinely sorry that my guy will be losing business so i'm going to make him edibles because i've been buying from him for over a year now. he's so consistent and he recently came out in the snow for me he's such a great guy. i was in town today and i bought my favourite cider and liqueur for my friend :) i'm so excited to give it to them it's gonna be soooo fun

i was in waterstones today and i bought the beggar student by dazai and was reminded yet again just how fucking funny dazai was. please consider reading dazai if you haven't already, he's such a funny author


things are going well for me, i'm happy to say. there's a japanese course starting in two weeks and i'll finally have enough money to go :) so i'll be studying a1 japanese and doing printmaking until april, by which point i should have saved around about enough money to move. i saw a chaise lounge on facebook marketplace (have i mentioned this?) and god willing i WILL take it home with me. do i have the space? not really. do i have the means to transport it? ehhhh, debatable. but i've got my friends at the local charity shop in on it too, so it'll be a community effort. i'm super excited just to own it and know that when i finally move i'll have at least some furniture.

my plant has also been doing super well. i was worried for a while, but now it's in the flowering stage i'm really happy and not scared at all. i'm really excited for the harvest, which should be ready in about three weeks. it'll take a week to dry after that, but then i won't have to worry about things for at least six months. i'm around the end of week five, and there's about nine weeks in total. i won't harvest it early, i swear to god i can't mess it up after all this work. i've been planning this since september! i have another seedling growing right now which should be ready in a month or two, so i'll have two harvests then i think i'll pack my things and take a break until moving.

next week when i get paid i'll buy more of the honey incense i had before that i really really liked. i just couldn't stop smoking it, it was amazing. it really smells like honey... i haven't had money for incense lately or much of anything and i've missed it so much. i finally ran out of fresh food with just one week to go until i get paid, so now i know that drying charcuterie was the best decision i've ever made. it's so easy and cost effective that i don't know why i didn't have the idea before. i wanted to get into pickling things, but as much as i love pickled eggs and pickled mussels... i'm kind of realising i'm just not a pickles guy. i'm not chinese, i'm not eastern european, pickling random vegetables just really isn't in my blood. i like my local foods and that's that, i suppose.

despite everything i have a really positive attitude right now i guess. i think it's just because i'm looking forward to having money again. i'm currently really really hungry, but i don't feel too horrible about it. there should only be eight days until i get paid... man, fuck january for having a 31st. i need to get paid, i need to get paid, i'm counting down the minutes until i get paid. i only need to survive eight more days of living on scraps and then i'll get paid. it's going to be sooooo good when i have money again. i think the worst thing is is that my bitch flatmate has some vanilla and white chocolate milkshake in the fridge which i've been really craving. i wish i had the resolve to shoplift but i just don't see the point in risking getting barred from all my locals but also, i'm so hungry. i would really like a bacon and egg muffin right about now and some white chocolate milkshake. it's genuinely all i can think about right now. i haven't had chocolate in a month.


recently i've been so hyperfixated on moving. i've been watching the rental market like a hawk even though i don't plan to move until about may-ish maybe. there aren't many good flats, which is why i'm looking- if there's anything good i want to snatch it up asap. next month i'll be buying a tabletop dishwasher, which should hopefully keep the peace between my flatmate and i for long enough until i move out. i want to buy kitchen stuff and as much furniture as i can store as i can before i move- if i'm going to wait ages to move and i'll need to hire a lad with a van anyway, i might as well maximise his space.

i've been thinking a lot about what i want to do with the new space. i'm not going to move until i find a one bed tenement flat with a bath that's either in the city centre, west end or northwest of glasgow for a reasonable price- yeah i know, i don't ask for much... i want to have my own furniture since unfurnished flats are cheaper and i have some shelves already i don't really want to get rid of (BECAUSE THEN WHY HIRE A VAN?) but i know that it's bad to invest in furniture after last time. i don't want anything bulky or difficult to move after that mess, but then how am i meant to fill a one bed flat? i thought about it really really hard, and i've decided that i've committed to my idea of sleeping on a futon on the floor.

i'm really sick of my bed and honestly i'm sick of shit beds in general, i want one of my own that i can easily move around, and what's better than one you can roll up? they're crazy expensive, but i think it's a good investment. it'll give me so much more space. i'm going to have a futon for a bed, and then i'll buy a chaise lounge for my living room to sit on. i want to buy a kotatsu table for the winter, and have everything on the floor. i'll use the living room as an entertaining space and bedroom, and keep the bedroom for my clothes, pc, and plants. i want to have a futon sofa bed in the spare (bed)room just in case someone comes over and wants to stay the night, and for playing my ps4. i think it's the perfect solution, it'll be like having a studio with a really big closet.

it'll fill the space, yet when i move i can easily sell the furniture that i don't need anymore. if i ever have to move places again, all i need to take with me is the kotatsu and my futon. i genuinely have never lived anywhere a kotatsu wouldn't fit somewhere or another. i just hope it's a good investment, because it's going to cost about the same as my doomed bed and desk from last time and i'm still gutted about that. still, it's a bed and a dinner table/coffee table/heater that's apparently really good for your bills in the winter, so here's hoping. i'm feeling really optimistic about it, it's going to look really nice before my 23rd birthday and maybe then at that point i'll have a few friends i can host for a little party.

i really hope the crisis i had back in october was just me being silly, because back then it really felt like i'd be trapped in aberdeen until i'm 30, but now that i'll be getting more money, i can get out of here and get my life back on track in just a few months. but that's why i don't want to compromise on moving into anything but my dream flat- i took a mid flat in a dead quiet area because i was desperate and it was close to college, i've never moved into a place because i genuinely loved it. i don't have to worry about my current place, so i could wait until next december until i find the right place if i have to. obviously i hope that won't happen, but i want nice things. i want a nice flat in a nice area with a big window. i want to leave the house and walk around my neighbourhood and frequent the little shops and think "wow, this is so beautiful." i want to walk home and look at my tenement building and think "wow, i love glaswegian architecture." i want to walk into my flat and go "wow, this is so beautiful and quaint and warm." i want to move into this place and i want to be happy and i never want to move again.


i must look sooo bipolar to anyone who reads this. for some stupid reasion the relevant period doesn't end until next month, so i'll be getting paid extra then. i'm planning to move to glasgow any time in the next six months, or really immediately the second i find the perfect place. my grow is going well, my meat is drying well, so i'm feeling optimistic. also, i finally updated the site! it's still a work in progress, but i made this site from scratch. i also coded the mp3 player! it loads a random song each time you reload. it's a cool way to get some more pixel art onto my site :) i want to make the site more interactive!!! people love to click on things, i need to give the people more things to click on.

i'm also working on some pixel art for the nekoweb explore tab, i realised how horrid my site looks lmao...


i have got to be the dumbest, most gullible motherfucker on the planet. despite my adviser and the stupid government website telling me they'd give me more money, they're not giving me a penny more than fucked up usual. so there go all my plans of moving to glasgow. i feel so stupid. i feel so stupid and worthless and braindead for getting my hopes up and telling people that this year things would be better for me. i genuinely believed that things would get better. i genuinely believed i would be able to move back to the city and get my life back on track. now my plans are the same as they were before, but now i guess i don't have anyone breathing down my neck telling me i need to do xyz to get a job. i just feel so utterly gutted. i thought for the first time in months something good was going to happen to me, and now i'm crying because i was so dumb. i'm reading something online about "relevant periods" but i don't think it applies to me because i started submitting fit notes in like june. god i feel so stupid. so i guess nothing changes. nothing ever changes for me!

i'd say something like "i don't know what to do now" but there's nothing to be done. i just stay where i am, stay doing what i've been doing. i feel so stupid stupid stupid for praying for more in this stupid rat race of a country. i just don't think anything in my life is ever going to go well. maybe i'm just doomed as a person. i was so stupid! so stupid! how could i be so stupid? why did i believe brahim when he said it was like christmas coming early for me? christmas didn't come at all! apparently it's meant to be more difficult to cry when you're on t, but i'm not having any issues. maybe that speaks to the amount of BULLSHIT this is! i don't even know what to say about it all, i just feel so utterly exhausted and humiliated. i left a message asking for clarification, but now i don't have any hopes at all. i hate to say i wish i was dead because i sound like such a stuck record but man i wish i was dead. i've had zero impact in the world and very few people would notice me gone.


happy new year! i actually caved and started testosterone on the 29th, so this is officially my fifth day on t. i don't really feel any changes just yet, but i've been so damn sweaty lately and i can't tell if it's because of the plant lights in my room but i've been keeping my box fan in my bed. i've also been super hungry, but that could also just be because it's the end of the month and i don't get paid until next thursday. i was pretty damn worried when i checked the cupboards and realised i was out of meat, but fortunately i put chicken in the freezer.

i'm proud to say that i definitely achieved last year's new year's resolution. i set out to watch more movies instead of rewatching old ones, i watched 114 movies total with 100 of them being new. my most watched movie of the year was no longer human (2019) which i watched three times and would watch a billion times more. i love that stupid fuckin dazai biopic, it's such a good movie. i think about the scene where dazai gets all sexy with the tin of spam soooo much.

so, i need a new resolution for 2025. in 2025 i will do printmaking, my friend and i will finish watching naruto, and i'll move back to glasgow. i'm feeling optimistic about it. i've done everything by myself, and i'll keep doing everything by myself.

i've been working on completely overhauling my website, it's looking pretty good rn. it isn't finished yet, but my nekoweb patreon expired so i have to wait to get paid to even get my domain back. i let necropol.is lapse because honestly, i didn't do anything with it. i really wanted to make my own zombie text mmo, but unfortunately there just aren't resources out there to learn how to do it. now i'm thinking that zombies, in particular darren shan's zom-b, my favourite book series ever, would work really well in the crpg format. it's unfortunate that the crpg was big in the 90s, but zombies really didn't kick off until 28 days later. hopefully with disco elysium showing what the format can do people will go back to it, because now i've played planescape: torment i can confidently say it still has so much to offer. i'm about halfway through that game, still loving every minute.

they're making a new 28 days movie, which is surprising. 28 weeks later was an okay movie that could have been good had it been called literally anything other than "28 weeks later"- it's a good movie, but it really can't be expected to match up to a masterpiece. still, if danny boyle is directing it i'm excited to see it. i've seen people criticising making a sequel 23 years later, but honestly after t2 trainspotting i really want to see where he goes with it. usually it would be a fair criticism, but i'm really hopeful.

the other day my friend and i watched the robbie williams biopic, better man. it was really good, i'd really recommend it! i'm not even necessarily his biggest fan (and i think the point of the movie is that nobody is, lol) but honestly he was genius for the cgi monkey. i'm kinda worried at people who are like "um the monkey is stoopid he's not a munky and theres no reason for him to be" like huh? i saw someone be like "if there was a metaphor i'd get it but there isn't" buddy i'm sorry i suspect that if there was a metaphor you wouldn't even know what a metaphor is. anyway, i really really enjoyed it. it was really introspective and at times self deprecating, but it's such a good look in on robbie's life and how fame affected him and how he had to drag himself out of being a horrible person. you can really tell if you listen to interviews with him that he's gone through a lot of therapy for it all, and i think it's turned him into a really funny person. robbie was always funny, but now he's sincere, i think. i'm really happy for him. i know that's kinda silly, some random guy being genuinely proud of a celebrity, but he did such a great job with that movie. not many people move past their pain, and especially not many people get to turn it into art in such a brilliant way. i hope he's proud of himself.



this past month has been pretty uneventful, so i haven't had much to write about here. i got needles, so i've decided i'll start hrt on the 1st. new year, new me! new website, too!! i'm working on it right now and i'm very happy with how it's coming along. harlequi.nz 3.0 is going to kick ass :3 i also have great news, they decided i'm unfit for work so they should be giving me more money so i'll have slightly more than when i was in college. i'm incredibly excited, it's going to fix pretty much all of my problems. my new year's resolution for 2025 will be to move back to glasgow. i'm absolutely certain i can do it! if i move back to the city, my life will be perfect.

i bought the stuff i wanted! i got a new light that has a cool bluetooth function. i have a seedling going right now that looks really good, so that's exciting. i bought a mini fridge, which i've been dry curing two duck breasts and a pork fillet in.

considering how big glasgow tenements are, i'll have a good chance of getting a big room. with how many clowns i've collected in the past year, for once in my life i actually want to get somewhere with a decent amount of storage space. i don't mind the small room i have right now, but more space would be really nice. the uc decision has really lifted a weight off my shoulders, this next year will be about me focusing on hobbies and saving money to move back to the city. i think i'll need about £3000 to move back down- £1000 to move my things, and £2000 for rent and deposit and all that malarky. probably less, but seriously you never know these days... i would move to any part of glasgow but i want to be close to public transport!! i feel so hopeful for the future right now. also, the new website is just coming along really really well. i just want to brag about that!!


testosterone arrived. tried to make pasta but i dropped the pan on the floor. that was the last of it. i wish i was dead. i'm so hungry.


i know all i do these days is complain but i swear to god i can't afford to eat. consistently ever since i started them i've only been able to afford food for three weeks. i always have to endure at least ten days of starvation like i'm doing now. what am i supposed to do? with no friends, no family and zero support, what do i do? i'm anemic. i'm so hungry right now i can barely stand. i just feel so angry at everything all of the time and there's nothing i can do because i'm hungry. i just have to lay here and starve and try to sleep the pain away.


i'm soooo happy to say that my testosterone is coming in the mail on saturday. after much faff i'll finally be able to start! i'm also getting injection birth control on tuesday so they'll show me how to do subcutaneous injections. this week i've just been gardening, one of my plants has survived and looks to be doing well. it's eight days old and has started to grow its third and fourth leaves, which is quite an achievement considering how badly the other ones went. i still have a bunch of stuff i need to buy the instant i get paid like a new light, nutrients and calmag, ph testers and hygrometers etc, but i'm hoping i'll have money before this plant ends up dying too. it's all looking relatively good for me right now, i think. i'm almost out of the meat i got from the asian grocery, but apparently there's one in town just behind lidl that i'll have to check before i buy more online. the frozen thinly sliced meat turned out to be really perfect for me because i can choose how much meat i have in a dish without having to go through the effort of cooking it properly because it's so thin. in scotland our diet is heavily meat based so we don't really have thinly sliced meats like they do in asia.

update a few short hours later and i'm wishing i was fucking dead again. the plant took a turn for the worse and is probably dying, my rice cooker won't stop fucking burning shit to the bottom of the pot, i'm fucking starving, i still don't have any weed and i've been checking the eleven pennies in my bank account literally every day now for weeks. ive been waiting to get paid since friday. i don't even know if this gardening shit is worth the money, everything feels so fucking pointless. so much left to buy. i'm so fucking hungry. i can't stop thinking about the fact thait i've lost 9kg of weight. i have a 5kg sacks of rice in the kitchen. thinking about how i've lost two sacks of rice in weight just makes me sick, but what would i throw up? the house didn't reply to my text so that was pointless too. i asked a food bank for support and they told me to fill in their stupid google form which felt like a massive waste of time considering i've literally filled it in last month when i was also starving and completely out of food even worse than i am now so why should i believe they even look at it? i was looking to see if there's any flats in glasgow within a reasonable budget but there's no way in hell i would ever be able to afford to live there. i really fucked my entire life over by moving away. genuinely i don't think i'll ever trust anyone ever again in any meaningful way after how i've been stranded here. i kind of even wish i was still homeless because then i wouldn't be weighed down by all my belongings and i could just go back. i still don't even have all of my stuff back, and there's no point in hoping i'll get them back. i just have to kill that part of myself. every single sentimental thing i've ever owned is still back there. i just have to tell myself that everything before i was 20 never happened. if my mum decides to read my diary from when i was 14, that just wasn't me. i'm such a coward for not killing myself, anyone with a spine would have done it over a year ago.

what do you even do when you've been completely isolated from the world for a decade? what are you meant to do to get out of it? nobody cares unless you know people. i'm still really gutted about that stupid butch meetup. you have to know people to know people, so what do you do when you don't know people and have no family? i can't help but sympathise with those old gammons who complain about how gen z is a bunch of entitled slackers who this that and the next thing because genuinely i wonder how the fuck people my age act as though they have as much problems as me or went through even a fraction of what i have when they've lived such sheltered lives. people complain about a loneliness crisis, but how the fuck are they lonely when they actually have family and friends who love them? the average person doesn't have the faintest idea of what it's like to be me. no advice has ever worked, i've genuinely tried everything. if you were me, you'd weep. you wouldn't be able to stand a day in my shoes. everyone my age talks about trauma this that and the next thing, pathologises everything, and all it leads to is people like me, who have actually suffered, falling to the wayside because thanks to everyone's therapy speech, i look like i'm making shit up and exaggerating. why the fuck does everyone have "dishes trauma"? why do people my age have panic attacks trying to cook pasta? have they ever almost been drowned in the sink? have they ever had their hand held over the hot stove? y'know, like i have? have they ever been treated like a slave? no! again i hate to say it but i agree with the gammons, this generation is fucking soft. and i'm the one who has to suffer because they want to be oppressed so bad. once upon a time, people would agree i have it exceptionally bad. but now every rich cunt had a minor falling out with their parents one time they are too traumatised to clean the kitchen which is totally the same thing as domestic slavery. every tiny little thing is trauma, every little thing needs to be therapised. when everyone is traumatised, nobody is. and people like me will never be treated with any dignity or respect and we'll never get the support we need and deserve far more than you.

i keep hearing people talk about how those who don't have any childhood friends are a red flag and should be avoided, people who don't have any friends are a red flag and should be avoided. all it does is make me think about how all of my friends left me when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, how people would stare at me like an alien because my dad had cancer. it makes me think about how the last time i ever spoke to the boy i had considered close enough to be my brother was when i told him my dad was dead. it makes me think about how my baby cousin can barely leave the house let alone go to any school in the area because how how they've been bullying her for years. i'm so scared she's going to end up like me, but even she has a sister and an entire wealthy family that loves her dearly. she's going to be okay. i won't and i never will.


i have great news! something really good happened but i need to keep it confidential until april. all you need to know is that i'll be doing a lot more printmaking in the future!


i recently finally finished reading of dogs and walls by yuko tsushima which i think has to be one of my favourite things i've read lately. yuko tsushima really has a way with words and her writing about her family really resonated with me. i can't imagine having to grow up in that family considering the amount of tragedy they experienced, yet even though my life is completely different to hers i found i really related to how she talks about the death of her father and brother, which got me thinking a lot about my own life. i really envy her and dazai for having lived such rich lives that they can write short stories about their memories when it feels like i don't have any memories of my own i could do that kind of thing with.

i've always made a strong point to separate my personal life from my written work, which is quite different from dazai's i-novels and tsushima's auto fiction. i don't really understand how they do it, but they write so beautifully and intentionally that it fills me with so much envy. i feel like it's a little disrespectful to compare tsushima to dazai when they're both incredibly talented authors in their own right, but they're just what i've been reading this year and i can't help but note the similarity in just how well they observe the people around them. i really admire how you can catch a glimpse into their lives from the richness of how they describe the people around them- when you read dazai talking about his family in works like cherries and tsushima talking about her family in on dogs and walls, you feel like these are people you could know in your own life. perhaps it's just because they're writing about the same people, but seeing their differing perspectives is so fascinating to me.

i don't think anything i could write would ever hold a candle to anything tsushima or dazai have ever written, but tsushima really inspired me to try to write about my family and the death of my father. i'd been trying to write a piece about my sister, but i don't want to write persona fanfic anymore after how people behaved about that wip. (my parent death grief fic isn't for you to insert your pedo ships into!) so anyway, i'm 2000 words into a story about the worst year of my life. before i started writing it i wondered how on earth dazai could live with himself writing about the people in his life knowing they'd see it, but i think i understand now. there's literally nothing anyone can do about what i've written, and like dazai i'm already estranged from them so i literally don't have to give a fuck what they think. what are they gonna do to stop me? so once i'm done wrting it, i'm going to mail it to their door.

i'm not holding back, i'm not leaving anything out, i'm not protecting my own ego, i'm telling it exactly how it was and exactly how i felt. i'm going into all the raw details so they can't call me a liar. or maybe they will, but who cares? they'll have to deal with the painful feeling of having to read it like i had to live it. my dad was an abusive piece of shit who kept me as a child slave, and though he died holding my aunt's hand, he was alone in the world. they're going to know exactly what they did to me that year and they won't even have space to retaliate because they don't even know where i live. it's what they deserve.

i really don't think i'm anything in comparison to tsushima or dazai, but it's cathartic. my life isn't as interesting as either of theirs, yet i've lived an awful lot. very few people have suffered as much as i have. my life is so harrowing i've been told it's haunted psychiatrists for over a decade. it's kind of funny, none of it bothers me anymore. if i can force my family to feel a shred of shame or anguish, i've succeeded. i want them to know what i went through and i want it to hurt them. i want them to know that my dad expected his death to bring the family closer and they abandoned me, just like they'd never been there for me my entire life. i hope it really hurts.


haha anyway pmdd is a hell of a drug. found out someone i hate is having a bad day so i'm chuffed dw dw


all i can think about these days is my weight. this is pathetic of me to say, but those snot nosed brats with their stupid self harm twitters have done nothing but give me constant ideas. my landlord's snobby mother came over to look at my freezer and the first thing she said to me is "wow! you've lost a lot of weight, at least three or four stone!" it's been constant. everyone who sees me talks about how much weight i've lost. i've had it up to here. my clothes don't fit anymore, and i don't have money to replace them. i'm just throwing everything away, throwing my life away, because it's been two fucking years of this misery and i don't have any money anymore. "wow! are you on a strict diet?" yes, actually. i force myself to eat a carb, a meat, and some veg once a day. that's all.

i just can't afford anything else. i can barely afford that. and none of my clothes fit me anymore and i just keep getting skinnier and i think to myself that some people do this for fun. if i wasn't such a coward i would slit my wrists. i want to drink bleach, but i've done that before and it wasn't fun. i just wish i was dead! i don't have any quality of life! i can't even afford to smoke anymore! it makes me feel so worthless and pathetic to tell people that i look like this because i'm skint. i feel so awful. i know this is a horrible, cliche thing to say, but i want my dad back. i just want a family who will love me. i don't even care about support i just want someone to care about me i'm so fucking alone. i reached out to my family and they didn't want me. all i have is staff and what can they do? bless them but they're already worried enough about me and considering nobody can shut their fat fucking mouths about the weight thing it must be really really bad. i don't even think i should talk to them in case they somehow work something out. i just don't want them to know. i feel like such a fucking burden, only there's nobody to burden so i'm just a burden on myself. there's nobody else to carry this but me and i just can't do it.

i've moved nine times since i moved out at 16. i've been to concerts. i've been to clubs. i used to perform even if i wasn't good at it. barely anyone has lived more than me and yet i haven't lived at all. i'm barely living. can anyone who uses their custom domain as a sad little vent blog be called truly alive? i don't think so. i guess i write here because i know nobody will read it. i guess people could, it isn't as though it isn't public, but would they? no. it isn't very interesting, and it doesn't have to be. i'm just suffering out here in my corner. i have one friend, if i can call him that, but i would never tell him about any of this. what would he even do? stop talking to me, probably. he doesn't know me well and it really is so burdensome.

i don't know why i moved from glasgow. i don't know why i trusted my mum. i don't know why i did any of this. if i was in glasgow, at least i would be happy. i wasn't happy while i lived there, but i would have been. if it hadn't been for everyone in my life fucking me over i would still be there and i would still have a life. i just think i should kill myself and get it over and done with, but i'm too much of a coward. i don't even know how to tell people i don't have anything to live for. they go through the checklist and i've done it all. i miss my dad so much. i miss my dad because i don't remember him or the sound of his voice or how we would decide what to eat for dinner. if he was here today, i don't even know if we'd still be talking. i don't even know if he'd like me.

am i likeable? it doesn't feel like it. it feels like everything i've ever done was wrong. i don't think i've ever done anything right. i've been thinking a lot about that project from a while ago constantly, like nonstop. i don't talk to anyone from there anymore, and i wonder if they feel ashamed when they think about it. how horrible that would be, for people to feel that horrible taste in their mouth that i feel when i think about my greatest achievement. i'll never do it again. it's at times like these where i feel so sorry for existing at all. it's so stupid. even the good things i've done were bad.

what's the point of it all? i don't have any answers. my life will never get better. the rot will get worse and i'll somehow end up with less than the nothing i have now.

the weight thing is funny, actually. i reached out to an emergency food bank or whatever and didn't get any response. even though i really was starving! thank you to the church, thank you jesus christ. maybe i'll starve so much i'll actually be something you could call skinny. isn't that funny? starvation doesn't happen fast enough! i've lost so much weight people won't shut the fuck up about it, yet i'm still fat! maybe one day i'll be skinny and people will like me. see what i mean about those stupid fucking brats on twitter I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!!!!!! i'm not 12 i'm 22 i shouldn't be thinking like some stupid kid! i just think i deserve to get something out of this. can't i at least look good? if i can't stand for too long because i'm so hungry then don't i deserve to look nice?

i hate looking at myself in the mirror. i've always hated it because i can't see myself but now i can't even see the change but i know it's there. god this is going to make me so much worse isn't it? and nobody will care because i can't even destroy myself. i need to cut myself, i need to jump off a bridge, i need attention, but i don't want it. i just want to feel happy again. i don't actually remember the last time i was really happy. for a moment i thought it might have been when i wrote that one fic, but i don't really think so. i remember how it got so little attention at first i just considered deleting it. was i happy when i was performing? i don't think so. i think i thought i was happy, or i was going to be happy once i'd made friends, but it just never happened. was i happy before dundee? i don't know. maybe. but i had money back then, i had a small inheritance I BLEW ON FUCKING RENT LIKE SOME STUPID FUCKING SQUARE. I'M IN DEBT! WHY DIDN'T I SPEND IT ON DRUGS? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I SPEND IT ON SOMETHING NORMAL LIKE RENT? surely i must be a disappointment. i paid off my year's rent there and then like some stupid prick. i bet my dad would laugh at me.

nothing about me is extreme enough to warrant... anything. i don't have loud explosive breakdowns that push people away, i just do all this shit quietly like it's a full time job. how do attention seekers do it? where do you find the energy? i want it so desperately i just want something, anything, some kind of proof that i still feel like i died in 2015 like i've been saying for years. but there's nothing. i'm not concerning. i just want people to worry about me, but i don't. there's nothing anyone can do. i just wish something could be done because i'm so tired of grinning and bearing it. let's be so real i'm not grinning or bearing it i'm rotting away in this stupid bed doing nothing not even the things i want to be doing because i'm too bad at them.

would the world be a better place if i wasn't in it? i think it's negligible, nobody would notice whether i'm there or not. i've never impacted someone's life. but my world would be better without me in it, because i'm the only one here


i feel like all i use this website for is to write in here these days but i just don't have any motivation for anything. i'm canning the current iteration of my current project so i can just remake it in unity, but that's so much work i feel weighed down by it. they didn't teach me any low level languages in college, let alone c#, so i've gone from having a relatively good level of knowledge to completely nothing. i promise myself it'll get done but i doubt it'll be this year... or next year... i just don't know about anything anymore.

i'm always trying to find ways to occupt my time. still trying to find reasons to leave the house despite what i've been saying. i came across a local group meetup for butch lesbians on instagram and the other day i was lamenting the lack of lesbian communities and how it's so hard to meet people who are like me... i was so excited for it and everything but i got nervous and decided to message them and ask if it's okay for me as a he/him transmasc dyke to come along, obviously expecting it would be fine because i don't really live in a large place and i'm literally starting testosterone, but they just gave me a really backhanded response about how "you know yourself best" and how it's a group for butches only and i'd be welcome at more broad community-wide events (which don't exist yet.)

it's really stupid how much it stung me. like... i didn't ask to go to a hypothetical community-wide event that may be hosted in the future, i asked to hang with the butches. they gave me a really condescending definition of butch and were like "it's not an aesthetic" well i'm sorry for hoping i might be welcome around people who might deign to respect my pronouns, which i would expect butches to do, but not other lesbians. it just really hurt. i can't be butch, nobody would ever take me seriously. being called nancy, looking the way i do, and using he/him pronouns is hard enough. the label doesn't mean anything to me nor do i pretend it ever will... it's so american to me.

i guess this is karma for being an identity politics freak as a teenager. like truly, this is what i get. this is the hell world we all helped create. it's fun when it's tumblr discourse, not so fun when it affects your real life. if there's one thing i've learned from talking to queer people irl is that they're nasty and cruel and cliquey and apparently now you can't even join a club even if you fit all the criteria except a word. i tried to look at it from the perspective of my teenage self. am i trying to invade spaces i don't belong in? but then i realised just how fucking stupid that is.

i give up, really. i wasn't expecting them to be so hostile and passive aggressive. i told them it's fine, i just won't go... because i don't even want to go now. i pointed out that their posters said no terfs, so i thought that he/him lesbians would be welcome, but they snarkily told me "most of us are he/him lesbians acktually" which bewildered me. can i see the venn diagram between he/him transmasc lesbians and Butch with a capital b? i'm so sick of these labels. just because i personally don't vibe with butch doesn't mean i'm any different to those people. i'm just super taken aback by it. i haven't felt so dysphoric in months. i'm not even masc enough for the butches to humour me.


i love how opinions are malleable and ever changing. [said with nuance] DAMN!!!! THE FREAKS WERE RIGHT!! i just finished watching secretary which has to be the best movie i've watched in months, which is pretty impressive considering i've watched 21 movies in october alone. i just can't get over how good it was. but apparently it's controversial! feminists and bdsm enthusiasts seem to have a bone to pick with it and i can't believe i of all people am saying this but holy shit, have you guys forgotten how to have fun? why do movies have to be step by step guides for safe bdsm?? like damn that was a really good really fun and hot movie why do people have to make it deep? i don't know! everything has to be deep these days! [again i can't believe i'm saying this] LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN!!!!!! LET MOVIES BE IMPERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i have a favourite genre and somehow it turned out to be straight up softcore porn. that's a joke of course, if i wanted to be a pretentious cinephile about it i would call it something silly like "psychosexual drama thrillers" or something like that but nah we just gotta put more sex in movies and tell interesting and sexy stories i guess.

the secretary nitpicks are sooo funny to me like "she never explicitly consented" IT'S A MOVIE!!!!!!! she was into it!!!!!! "mr grey is abusing his power as her boss" WHO CARES!!!!!!!!! NOT HER!!! idk idk idk! i just think ppl are lame! you ever see bad reviews for a movie you thought was fucking awesome and be like wow you people are just lame! you're boring! [said within this hyperspecific context] fiction is not reality! it doesn't neeeeeeed to be so deep does it?? augh augh augh augh augh what a good movie! ppl who are like "it perpetuates harmful stereotypes" SURE IF YOU WATCH WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED!!

i love movies!!!! holy fuck i love movies!!!!!! i love when movies are good!!!!!!!!! i especially love when a movie isn't necessarily a masterpiece of cinema but it's still really fucking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the criticisms are so silly to me when i can think of so many pinkus that are far more problematic and far more mediocre. idk! 15 year old me would start a fight with me on this but shut yo BITCH ass up about "problematic" this "problematic" that and watch the damn movie! you might actually like it! holy shit i love when movies are good! secretary was soooooo good! i love movies! it managed to dethrone female prisoner #701: scorpion on my letterboxd top four! which is so impressive! i love movies! i love movies!! i've watched 86 MOVIES THIS YEAR!! man if all movies were as good as secretary i would watch 86 more!

all the criticisms just kinda make me roll my eyes. "it's not a realistic portrayal of bdsm" ok well it's a movie from 2002. "he's abusing his power as her boss" buddy, the film is called secretary, she's gonna be his secretary. "it pushes the stereotype that women only like bdsm because they self harm" okay well some do! "he didn't ask for her consent" it's a movie and she's into it the entire time? "she did all that for a man" yeah and good for her! she got everything she wanted and she improved her life!! "he isn't hot enough for all that" DO YOU ONLY WATCH MOVIES BECAUSE YOU'RE HORNY?????? DO YOU???????????? idk maybe i'm just really pretentious and watch a lot of movies like this but personally i don't have my hand down my fuckin pants when i watch movies and i don't expect them to adhere to real world logic! a lot of you people lead very sad and depressing lives!


guess who's starting testosterone! i finally bought some, once it arrives and i can afford injection supplies i'll finally be able to start! it's kinda insane to think that by the time my friend comes over to visit in march i'll already have been on it for a few months. i went out to the pharmacy today to ask about needle exchange but they said no and asked a bunch of stupid questions so i guess i'll have to buy them online, which is annoying but not as though i have other options.

i'm currently working on a mouthwashing/red dwarf crossover fic, which is exciting because i feel like it's the first time in years i've had such a concrete idea in my head. i've already written about 2000 words of an outline that isn't finished yet, so by the time i finish the fic it'll be at least 10k minimum.... i realised about 1000 words into the outline that it was going to be a multi-chapter fic. the premise is pretty simple, what if lister found curly? curly becomes a hologram and has to write an incident report for the tulpar :) it's going to be good, look forward to it!

i seriously need to get off my ass and fix my website. no offence to the epic person who made my current site theme, but i had something much bigger in mind...


they're talking about getting me support, sending emails without asking. i can't even begin to tell you how miserable it is to see them change from friends to professionals again. i feel like my life is regressing and i'm 15 again. i know they're trying to help and this is the only way they can, but that clinical feeling just isn't something i can shake. we're all bound by the system, but for some reason i thought i was out of it. i thought i was on my own. i spent all this time thinking about how they wouldn't know if i died, and i think they've been thinking that too. "liasing with colleagues". it's just part of the system that can't be escaped. they're trying to help. they suggested moving home because they're worried about how isolated i am. they're just trying to help.

perhaps this is ungrateful, but i just give up. i don't want to make any new friends, i don't want to go back to college. i don't want a job. i know i'll never leave this town, so i'll just stop leaving the house. and i know that's what has everyone so worried about me, but what am i supposed to do?

i'll kill myself if i'm forced to move back home and i'll kill myself if i'm ever put in another care home.


it's my birthday. i wish society didn't place so much emphasis on birthdays so i wouldn't feel like shit. i will be spending this birthday doing nothing, not leaving the house, talking to nobody. 97p in my bank account will barely get a chocolate bar, let alone a cake.

i can't even drink anymore. every time i try, i throw it all up before i could even call myself drunk. i feel like it's been like that ever since i started antidepressants even though i don't take them anymore. it's such a waste of time and money. i bought myself soju for my birthday, but it ended up all over my mattress so i wish i didn't.

i've been eating pretty much the same meal every day for about three months now. i didn't realise just how soul destroying it would be. i don't think i realised just how soul destroying any of this would be.

there's only a few thematically impressive days to kill myself in a year and this is one of them. if i wasn't a pussy i'd just hurry up and do it already. oh well. there's always christmas or hogmanay.

perhaps it's stupid of me to say this at 22, but i feel like my youth has been stolen from me. i was forced to live alone at 16, i've spent the past six years worrying about money, and i've realised that i've become a different person. when i was 19, i didn't know what homelessness was like. i was optimistic about life. about a week before my tenancy ended in dundee the only reason i didn't kill myself was because i spoke to a neighbour of mine. i think it would have been better to have killed myself back then. three years later and i still need to do it.

it just hurts a lot knowing that when i was 16, i had hope. i thought i was actually going places. i took out an overdraft to move to glasgow and now i can't do anything because i still have it. i'm never going back there. if i move back to the city i'll be at least 25, and what's the point then? when i was 19 i was a drag queen, i went out every night and i had fun. now i'm 22 and i haven't left the house in a year, and i won't be leaving the house any time soon. i've tried everything. i reached out to my family, i contacted doctors, i got on the waiting lists, i went to college, i tried to make friends, i had a hobby that required going outside. i moved away from the small town that was killing me.

now i'm here, in a different small town, because i made the mistake of trusting people. if it wasn't for my own mediocre ethics i would still be homeless. i think if i was still homeless right now i would have killed myself months ago but is this any better? i actually saw other human beings more regularly when i was homeless because people wanted to make sure i was still alive. for months now i've been thinking about how i could kill myself today and nobody would know until my landlord starts asking where the rent is.

i think my life is actually ruined. i keep thinking about that one fateful day in 2015 where i realised i had died. everything in my life keeps coming back to that day. my body keeps moving, but i'm still back there. why have i kept going for ten years? when my dad died, i wish he'd taken me with him. nothing in my life has ever had any meaning, it's all just moving from point a to point b.

some people think about how they wish they could have done things differently. what could i have done differently? all i ever did was stand up for myself and advocate for myself when nobody else ever has. even if i had made different decisions, i would still be here, in this stupid room in this stupid small town. i wish i'd been stupider. i wish i'd gone crazy and done every drug under the sun as a teenager. how is it that everyone i lived with is doing better than me? i was the best one, why did this happen to me? i never brought the police to the door, i never kept staff awake at night because i took 50 valiums. so why are they happy and i'm not? why are they all married with kids and i'm not? what's wrong with me? why am i alive? why am i not brave enough to kill myself? what's wrong with me?? why can't i just do it??

well the day keeps getting worse and it isn't even noon. p called to wish me a happy birthday and she just made everything worse. why does everyone think they need to give me advice? she was talking about my mindset and all that shit, asking me if i've thought about moving home. IF I MOVE HOME, I WILL GO TO MY MOTHER'S DOORSTEP AND MAKE HER WATCH ME SLIT MY WRISTS. i can't imagine a worse fate. move back home? i asked her if she was fucking joking and she wasn't even joking. she was serious. move home! can you fucking believe it? move home, to what fucking flat? with what fucking car? with what fucking money?!

anyway i'm going to go make myself a birthday cake now. and by birthday cake i mean the same rice i've been eating for months. i can't fucking believe i'm going to have to deal with s calling tomorrow rubbing even more salt in the wound like seriously i've had it up to here and it's barely even started god i wish i had enough paracetamol to overdose truly i do. i'm still really tempted to round up all the medication in the house and just swallow it all but i don't think you can overdose from melatonin.


yet again, i'm so bad at updating my diary! i've been super neglecting my website... still working on the raising sim! my friend has written about 20k words for it and i've been working on the music, art, etc... it feels like i'm not making much progress, but it's getting there. very slowly. maybe it'll be finished by dazai's birthday next year lol.

speaking of birthdays, mine is coming up. i'll be turning 22 and feeling absolutely no joy for it. things here just seem to be getting worse, and i don't really have any solutions. i'll be diying t soon, so that's the only good news i have. i want to start now and hope and pray it'll allow me a shred of happiness before that's illegal too, but i don't think it's going to change anything.

i've really been struggling financially since i'm not in college anymore, it's been really rough considering i was already in poverty and now i have about £400 a month less than i've been surviving on for years at this point. i just kind of wonder what the point is.

the "urgent" referral i mentioned in february wasn't actually a referral at all, i actually only got referred to a psychiatrist this month. currently i feel too numb to be actively suicidal, but i've realised that i'm going to have to suck it up and start cutting myself if i ever want to get healthcare. i don't particularly want to because i don't like pain, but i think i'm going to have to commit to intentionally spiralling if i ever want anything to happen. did you hear they want to put job coaches in mental health wards? there are only one or two beds open in the uk at any given time, so it's crazy that even if you're sick enough to be in a ward (i have to assume you'd need to be at high risk of death.) you aren't free from these people.

like i said, i'm not actively suicidal, but my suicide is an inevitability. i will kill myself one day. it's going to be soon. i just want to try testosterone first.

also, i just wanna say, about that thing i was upset about earlier in the year. i'm actually over it now, which is a surprising thing for me to say. i got over it pretty quickly, which wasn't what i had expected since it was so important to me. i was really torn up about it for a long time, then i got over it. i had one bad day where i had a blip and made the mistake of saying something, but honestly i'm glad i did. nothing changed, and i think for me that was closure. the person i knew isn't the same person now, the moment has long passed. i don't miss them anymore, i don't miss the past. i just don't think of it anymore, and i think i'm happy with that. i love them, i hold no resentment, and i hope we never speak even again a single time in this life. i think that was really freeing for me. i'm glad it's over.


help! i'm so bad at updating my diary and i feel like i only write when i have bad news! so i'll start off with some good news :) the past almost month has been dedicated to the game dev grind- my friend and i have been making a raising simulator game. i've been learning a lot about them, it's not really a genre i play much. i found out that the shoujo artstyle evolved from lolita, and gainax the animation studio almost went bankrupt in the 90s so they made eroge for the pc98 by lolicons for lolicons. wonderful. apparently the princess maker series is a cultural icon in south korea because it was marketed as a family game...

could you even imagineeee being a korean mother in the 90s playing princess maker 2 for the first time and getting the ending where your daughter marries the player, her father?? it's one of those things where i think if you don't laugh at the absurdity you really have to cry. like, it isn't even as if princess maker is an eroge, it's super wholesome for the most part... but it was still made by and for lolicons. makes you go huh.

i've always liked stat raising games like urban dead (at least, from 11 years of playing, i have to assume that was the point of it) so all these raising sims like princess maker and ayanami raising simulator (ars is even more shameless about being creepy towards a 14 year old girl... get a job man...) got me thinking. i like the systems, but these are pc games from the early 90s and technology has evolved. i think it'd be super cool to some day make a raising sim game with interactivity similar to monika after story, but right now i'm working in rpgmaker. i'll remake our game in renpy if it gets popular maybe lol ^^ with more stats and stuff too

the grind never fucking ends though, man. we've been working on this game for almost a month now and man is it hard work! i can't even TALK about it because i'm so stubborn about wanting to drop it without any fanfare. i just think it'd be really funny. the script, written by my friend, is over 11k words so far and is half done, i've drawn the lineup and the alternate outfits for the supporting cast, i've started working on a title screen, and i've made four tracks for the game so far. i'm not very good at music and i don't really expect people to like it that much, but in my opinion game music only needs to be listenable enough that you don't get pissed off every time the damn thing loops.

i didn't fully pass my college course this year and they're discriminating against me for being an immigrant by saying i'm not entitled to funding all of a sudden, so there's the bad news. thankfully it wasn't a waste though, i don't know what will happen with funding but i spoke to the course leader and he says he doesn't mind that i didn't pass the final exam, since i have a different qualification i can do the course :) so, IF things go to plan, i'll be studying web development, and if not then i'll take a year off. i needed a year off anyway if you care to scroll back LMFAO so i guess it can't be too bad. idk if i'll be able to afford weed on benefits though, so i guess i gotta get annoying about taking comms


i've had a lot of time to think on things. i've spent the past few months being incredibly suicidal, but somehow i've gotten through it. i think starting over and cutting myself off from that entire friend group really was the right decision. by not having to see them all the time, i can preserve the versions of them that liked me in my mind and keep my happy memories instead of letting them resent me more. i still only vaguely know what i might have done, despite my best friend chewing me out. it doesn't really matter to me anymore, i managed to move on pretty quickly thank god. it really was tanking my mental health. i just tell myself that even if i wasn't a perfect friend, nothing i could have done would have deserved how they treated me. i hang onto the hope that one day they'll apologise to me, and i love them enough that i won't hate them just in case it happens.

i keep wanting to kill myself over money but i made the mistake of like, actually reading literature and now every single time i think about osamu dazai mugging a guy for rent money and resolving not to kill himself for another month. nobody appreciates how fucking funny that man was. every time i get reminded of it it makes me smile and gives me the strength to go on a bit longer. so thanks, dazai


they gave me an urgent referral to the mental health clinic, so that's something. i feel worse and worse every day, knowing i've ruined my whole life over the course of the past year and being able to do nothing but live with the consequences. i read no longer human the other day, and yozo made me think about how when i was a teenager, all i wanted was to see how bad things could get. i guess we're here now. there's no floor in my room, i don't leave the house, i don't have a life, i don't have a family. does that make everyone happy now? i have nothing. i'll keep on living, but god only knows why. i shouldn't, to be quite honest. all i've ever done is hurt people. i miss certainties, i miss the way things were, every day i ask myself where i went wrong. i just don't want to be anymore. i should seriously just rot alone so nobody has to put up with me. every day i get sicker and sicker.


i spent so long trying to do the right thing i think i forgot that sometimes you should accept the end of things with grace. i'm sorry for making decisions for others, but i think it's okay to know when you're not wanted. please don't resent me anymore, i truly do care. i did want to handle it maturely. it's not personal and i think i was the problem anyway. anyway, semi related, i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully i'll be admitted. thank god this snotty online stuff is over, that's for sure.


someone asks, simply, not in relation to anything, “why?” and though i’m very proud that i have cold blood and that i can keep my nerve and do what i’m supposed to do, i catch something, then realize it: WHY? and automatically answering, out of the blue, for no reason, just opening my mouth, words coming out, summarizing for the idiots: “well, though i know i should have done that instead of not doing it, i’m twenty-seven for christ sakes and this is, uh, how life presents itself in a bar or in a club in new york, maybe anywhere, at the end of the century and how people, you know, me, behave, and this is what being patrick means to me, i guess, so, well, yup, uh …” and this is followed by a sigh, then a slight shrug and another sigh, and above one of the doors covered by red velvet drapes in harry’s is a sign and on the sign in letters that match the drapes’ color are the words THIS IS NOT AN EXIT.


do you ever get that feeling where you're falling, and you know it's happening, so you just accept it? i fell today and skinned my knee. it didn't hurt, somehow, and i just got up and kept walking. it seems like the kind of thing that could be some kind of fancy metaphor, but no, today i genuinely ate dirt. it's been a really weird day. i was getting ready for college and i heard myself think "of course you didn't take the laptop down" and then i immediately thought, who the fuck was that? idk. wiznae me. wasn't my thought. hey, whoever's in my head, mind your business! if you think it's so easy, why the fuck didn't you remember?

we started our digital forensics and ethical hacking classes today. digital forensics seems like mostly common sense to me, but i know just how bad i was at the programming class so i'm really not feeling confident on our practical assessment where we apparently have to hack a virtual machine server. though i was speaking to my classmates, and as it turns out you can actually fail a class or two and still pass the course. can't lie, i'm relieved.

i wonder how practical it is to have all this text directly in my code. i should really work out how to just make it a json like i did for my library page, but coding scawy and getting stoned and doing nothing is soooo appealing. i really do need to learn jsons though. i imagine my game's going to end up using them somehow, even if idk how YET. i know nobody reads this, but i once considered making a weed review page just for the lulz. is that kind of nonsense you'd wanna see? real opinions, real strains. THIS... IS JUDGE JUDY. i threw up in class today. it was really weird, i was feeling just fine- but then i breathed funny, and i was having a coughing fit. and then i ended up coughing up sick?! it wasn't too much and i managed to get tissues before hell broke loose, but hey. there was still puke on the floor.

i feel so sorry for my lecturer who walked in to see me cleaning up all that. she let me go home early, so i guess i'll pick up what i missed tomorrow. i got my nails done though! the cutest little pink strawberries.

the last time i got my nails done the guy absolutely botched them, but these ones are so much nicer. i honestly like going to the nail salon, which is weird because hairdressers always make me feel so uncomfortable. i got to just zone out for like an hour listening to white noise with nobody expecting me to talk. it's great, honestly.

in class we're actually down to a two day week now, or maybe even a one and a half day? on wednesdays i'm in all day, but on fridays we just have an afternoon class. i'm gonna spend the free time working on my projects (web mmo) and my epic top secret rpg, but i work slowly and on multiple things at once. pray for me that i'll get work done for once! my landlord wants some engineer to come and install new internet, but i like our internet just fine and i don't wanna clean my room! (god i sound so 12.) so i'm putting that off for as long as possible.

this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder! what the hell??


if you're wondering where my tumblr went, i'm alive. idk what more to write than that. my reasons are my own... etc. i've been going through hell for the past two months in particular after the most hellish year of my life... i just can't take it anymore. i can't take people anymore... if you try to contact me i probably won't see it, not that there are many ways to contact me anymore. sorry if this seems needlessly overdramatic (it certainly feels it) i just figured i should leave a note somewhere in case someone gets worried. i doubt anyone who matters will notice, and the ones who don't matter are reading this right now, right? just wanted to clarify i didn't kill myself yet.


my life hasn't really changed much since i last wrote. i've been busy with college and i've had a lot less time to work on my website since then... but i'm still working on things. i'm not very good at doing things with any amount of speed... i'm trying to learn a lot about game design before i work on new projects all at once. i've been spending most of my time smoking weed and sleeping a lot... i met up with my cousin the other day. we were both really excited for it but i unintentionally got her in trouble and i think her mum found out she lied about who she was with... so she unfriended me everywhere. i haven't messaged her since because i don't wanna make things worse for her but agh... it's family, and this mess has waited eight years. i'll work it out in my own time...

things have gotten much quieter for me. of course. there's not much going on in my life right now, which i guess i should at least be happy about. it only gets quieter though... i think i'm going to remove my about page, it's even uglier than this page is. and i'm replacing the art link with a link to my pixiv, it's just EASIER.
i made a website for my college assessment... you can check it out here.



not so fucked after all! well, i was pretty fucked for a while. being homeless really sucked but now i've moved into a new place and i'm in college woohoo! ever since i moved it seems that things are looking up for me. i've been eating well taking care of myself and hopefully i'll manage to keep up with my work. now that my life is a little bit less precarious and i'm studying programming seriously, expect to see a lot more site updates. i'm planning on slowly getting through all the stuff i want to get done like a fic archive website, so get excited for that! it's not all doom and gloom, as much as it definitely seemed like it at the time. i'm still really gutted that i'm not going to germany but i suppose i'll just have to live with that.


i'm fucked and i'm going to die. no sardinia for me. no and one for me. homeless in pride month. the world hates clowns. i don't really feel like expanding. what's the fucking point? i took my and one countdown off of the index page because the knowledge it was there was really fucking getting to me and so was that last diary entry. so. life update. it all went to shit.


my new flatmate moved in the other day, she's very nice! she's from south india and we're going to cook for each other! i'm very very excited. the mouse problem feels like it's only gotten worse in the past week. i don't really know what could have triggered that, but i get the feeling that since i've cleaned up ophelia's mess, the lack of food is driving them out of hiding. like i cant even begin to tell you just how bad this has been for my mental health. i had to shoo an injured mouse out of the house the other day and last night i found one in my room. i managed to catch it and trap it under a pot. didn't really know what to do with it after that. i tried to tell myself i'd just let it starve to death but that's just childish. so. i was a really big brave boy who got the mouse out of the house. i fucking hate it i hate it i haaaaaate ittttttt! like it literally is driving me insane! but. only one more month of college and then i can move home again. i might as well stay in my hometown when i finish college until i get my passport and then i'm off to sardinia. i'm feeling a lot more positive about it since one of my friends was a real fucking dick to me today. i'm fucking off to italy and i'm going to get myself a scooter and i'm going to go places and do shit. it's going to be great!


skipped college today, too tired. we'll see how THAT goes... i'm totally failing again. i'm seriously considering getting a job and moving to sardinia for a year just so i don't have to do college anymore. it'd probably be difficult to get a job in sardinia considering i don't speak italian or sardinian, but idk. maybe now is the time to learn. i just need to get my passport which is a fucking PAIN... my mum has been hounding me about it for months. it's not that i'm putting it off, i really need to get it because i really want to see and one for my birthday... but unfortunately getting a passport is a BITCH when you're me!

three hour long phone conversation with my mother. you know its gonna be fucking good. she thinks moving to sardinia for a years is a really good idea, so i'm going to finish the semester, live with my aunt up north for a month, and then move to sardinia. granny just has a whole fucking one bedroom house over there on her property going unused?! i grew up in poverty and so did the rest of my family so it's so bizarre to me. granny bought her council house years and years ago and then my mother bought it from her and she used the money for land in sardinia. absolutely insane but hey if i can life rent free for a year...

mum and i were talking about how mediocre i am. yay! no but really. i was talking about how college obviously isn't working for me and how i feel like i've hit a wall everywhere and dont have any other options... and she asked me if i really ever wanted to do art orif it was just what my dad expected of me and it honestly just hit me that i'm the med student child and i didnt even fucking realise it. i used to think this is what i wanted, but get real. i'm not good at art. i'm not good at writing. i'm definitely not good at coding lmaoooooo. i'm painfully mediocre and that's all i'll ever be. it's really hard to hear "yeah, you're completely mediocre" from my mother but it's true. the biggest compliment my dad ever gave me before he died was that my art was "okay" and fuck, it is! it's just okay! it's only ever going to BE okay! it's never going to be better than it is now! fuck! i plateaued! i fucking PEAKED! and it's all i've set my life towards for the past ten years! i quit drag because my own mediocrity broke my fucking heart!! mum thinks me realising this is all very profound and she thinks it'll be really good for me to move away but fuck me, man.............. my life fucking sucks. it's just one of those things.

oooo i will never be anything exceptional. the one time i felt like i was actually competent at a job some cunt got really mad about it and tried to ruin my life over it i just cant win. sorry for being depresso but it's MY website


i genuinely have no idea what to write here but i guess this is like a longer version of my update log. i havent done any web stuff for yeaaaaaaaars so i'm honestly so glad that it's coming along nicely. something something like riding a bike......