various resources i've found in my time surfing the web that you might find useful.
arwen's anti-manifesto manifesto. i read this and found myself agreeing with pretty much everything here. a lot of neocities sites are really inaccessible and i really disagree with it. it's ableism. while i didn't grow up with web 1.0 (i've been using the web since maybe 2007 and started really becoming active on forums on in 2011) i've always preferred to use "old web" websites and because of that i want my site to be simple, to the point, and most importantly, with main pages that are READABLE. flashy gifs and scripts are nice when used tastefully, but i think we need to seriously let making fuck ugly websites for the sake of "webcore" DIE. so many of the kids on here are blindly nostalgic for an era they didn't experience. personally, i dont care about how many people look at my website, or if it looks cool and unique. this is a place for me to put my stuff, and if people outside my circle of friends stumble across it, then isn't that just nice?
similar to the antieverythingmanifesto. read this shit and fucking internalise it please.
the following is code i've written myself + other goodies that you are free to use however you please. credit to is greatly appreciated, however not necessary. my goal is to help make websites easier to beginners!
a simple redirect that bounces an ip to the website of your choice. psa: this isn't a guarantee to keep people off of your website as they can just change their ip, but it certainly sends a funny message!
i created this library page to show off my extensive fanzine collection. it uses a .json file to store its information.
a selection of rp graphics and icons i've made over the years that you're free to use.